CESAREF – Second Network-wide Research Training Event, 23rd-25th May 2023 by ArcelorMittal – Metz


Many thanks to ArcelorMITTAL for organising and hosting a training event for the CESAREF consortium in Mets, France. The event took place from the 23rd-25th May 2023 and covered aspects of from the RTC3 : Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability as well as RTC4 : Corrossion training courses. The courses included: 

  • CO2 Footprint of process (SIMIS), 
  • Continuous casting, 
  • LCA of steel, 
  • Hydrogen Corrosion, 
  • Basics on thermodynamic calculations, 
  • CEQCSI : thermodynamic case studies, and, 
  • Steel corrosion. 

ArcelorMittal were also kind enough to organise a visit of their pilot caster facility.   

On top of this, a course on creative thinking was given which led to a variety of potentially patentable products being conceived and some heated debates on how best to break up chocolate. The participants were certainly left with a different point of view of problem solving than when they started! 

A music quiz and a guided tour of Metz were also organised during the evenings.  

For a taster of what it is like in ArcelorMITTAL have a look at this video. 

If you want to see a bit more of Metz, have a look here. 

This project has received funding from
the European Union's Horizon Europe
research and innovation program under
grant agreement no.101072625