Fete de la Science, 12-14th October 2023, at Limoges
The Fete de la Science is taking place from the 12-14th October 2023 in France. This year one of the Science villages is located at the ESTER Technopole in Limoges, which is just next door to the Centre European de la Ceramique and the IRCER laboratory. This is an opportunity we couldn’t miss to introduce the general public to the world of ceramic and refractory science. Come and visit two of our PhD students, Andrea SALERNO and Kwasi BOATENG, engaging with local schools on the 12th and 13th as well as the general public on the 14th. They will be at either the IRCER stand in the ESTER Technopole or at the CERAMIK exhibition at the Centre European de la Ceramique. They will be joined by CESAREF coordinator Marc HUGER, Asso. Prof. Elsa THUNE and other local students.