João MENEZES CUNHA and Muhammad JUBAYED Participate in LCM 2023
Two CESAREF PhDs participated in the LCM 2023 conference which took place in Lille from 6 to 8 September 2023. João MENEZES CUNHA and Muhammad JUBAYED presented posters which can be seen here:
Revisiting Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) to assess the risk of depletion of Magnesium – João MENEZES CUNHA
The choice of magnesia-carbon refractories for steel ladle lining: a life cycle perspective – Muhammad JUBAYED
The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is the world’s leading conferences on environmental, social, and economic sustainability. With over 800 participants, the LCM2023 conference in Lille brought together the one of the largest ever number of economic actors and LMC experts from all over the world. This 11th conference was initiated by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), supported by the LCM2LOOP association and organised by WeLOOP.