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Événements passés

CESAREF doctoral candidates at UNITECR 2023

The 18th Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), hosted by the German Refractory Association in Frankfurt, is taking place between the 26th and 29th September 2023. Find out more via the trailer. The conference is oriented around the routes to carbon neutrality for [...]

ECerS XVIII Conference of the European Ceramic Society

Find out more here. [...]

ECerS Summer school and CESAREF training day

Find out more here. [...]

ArcelorMittal Training Event

Organisied by ArcelorMittal, this event will cover aspects of from the RTC3 : Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability as well as RTC4 : Corrosion training courses. [...]

This project has received funding from
the European Union's Horizon Europe
research and innovation program under
grant agreement no.101072625