ECerS Summer school and CESAREF training day
In combination with the ECerS Summer school on “Advanced Characterization Techniques”, taking place in Lyon on the 29th and 30th June, CESAREF provided an additional day of training on “X-ray scattering and diffraction using synchrotron radiation” on the 1st July.
The ECers Summer school, which took place at the INSA, provided insights into advanced characterisation techniques through a combination of lectures and laboratory demonstrations.
The X-ray scattering and diffraction using synchrotron radiation course, organised by CESAREF, was open to all the students attending the ECerS Summer school, free of charge, and was attended by of 35 people. The morning session on « X-ray diffraction by polycrystalline materials » was presented by Prof. Guinebretière (IRCER, Limoges) and the afternoon session on « Stress analysis using X-ray diffraction » was presented by Dr. Castelnau (PIMM, Paris).
Finally, there will be the rare opportunity to visit the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), for those students who have participated in the initial day of training provided by CESAREF on “X-ray scattering and diffraction using synchrotron radiation”.